Dog wearing cute red boots

You’re here because you want to buy the best dog boots for your furry friend. And it’s just the right thing to do. The best dog boots are more than just a fashion statement. Plus, they’re not just for winter, you can have your pet use them all year round.The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends getting boots for your dogs for the colder months. These products can protect their feet from subzero temperatures. Boots can also prevent burns from hot asphalt during the warmer months.

Comparison of the Best Dog Boots

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Why Your Pet Needs the Best Dog Boots You Can Find

Do you really need to buy the best dog boots? Here’s the thing: the pads of your dog’s feet are very tough. These pads allow them to run around anywhere without getting hurt. That’s not to say that the best dog boots don’t offer anything for your pet.

Dog wearing boots on snow

Image by pasja1000 via Pixabay

Aside from protecting your dog’s feet from the extreme cold, these dog boots can also keep their paws safe from anything potentially harmful, like rock salt and melting ice. For the warmer times of the year, the best dog boots keep your dog’s feet from burns due to hot asphalt. Protection against the elements is not the only purpose these little boots serve. They can also help when your dog is nursing an injury on their paws.

The best dog boots can help ease pain and relieve pressure. They also allow their feet to heal properly. A good pair of dog boots also helps them avoid injury in the first place as they protect them from sharp stones, glass shards, and pointed sticks. Lastly, the best dog boots are beautiful and cute. Your dogs will stand out when they are wearing their kicks.

Protect your dog from burns during the summer

Did you know that on an 87-degree day, asphalt can get as hot as 140 degrees? Hot water at that temperature can cause burns that will require medical treatment after only six seconds of exposure.

Walking dog in full clothes and boots

Image by taniadimas via Pixabay

In some cases, the burns are so severe that pet parents and veterinarians are reporting that raw muscle is exposed. With the paw pads completely gone, walking becomes excruciating for your pets. The best dog boots not only keep your pet’s feet safe during the cold months but, more importantly, keep them out of your veterinarian’s office during hot summers.

How to Choose the Best Dog Boots for Spot

Man and woman with pet dog on woods

Image by StockSnap via Pixabay

To choose the best dog boots for your pet, you should first measure his paws. Have Spot stand on a piece of paper and then outline his paw in the same manner that we trace our foot when we buy shoes. Measure from the tip of the longest toenail to the bottom of the heel pad. You should always check the manufacturer’s sizing chart, though, as size charts differ from one supplier to another.


Different materials are used for making dog boots, but plastic, leather, and fabric are the most common. Let’s see how each one differs. Plastic boots feature a piece of elastic that holds the boot in place. Plastic boots keep your dog’s feet dry, but they tend to fall off easily, too.

Leather boots have laces for a snug fit. If your dog is always exploring new terrain, or if you go hunting together, then leather boots are perfect because they protect your pet’s feet from anything sharp that he might step on, such as sticks and rocks.

Fabric boots use polar fleece or nylon to protect your dog’s paws. These boots have Velcro to keep them in place. The downside to polar fleece is that these boots may get wet quickly. Nylon boots, on the other hand, are waterproof. However, these products do not offer their feet that much protection from the cold.

Other tips

Aside from getting the right size and the right materials, the American Kennel Club suggests getting boots with a textured sole as this can help your dog walk and run on slippery surfaces with ease. The AKC also recommends getting waterproof dog boots, as well as one with adjustable Velcro straps for a snug fit. These boots also have to be comfortable and have to allow your dog to walk naturally.

Best Dog Boots: How We Came up with Our List of Recommendations

Dog paw

Image by Tiinuska via Pixabay

To come up with this list of the best dog boots that you can buy, we scoured dozens of listings on Amazon. We only chose the highly rated ones to include in this list.

The Best Dog Boots You Can Buy Right Now

Getting your dog ready for winter means that you have to make sure his feet are protected from the cold and other elements that may be harmful. For this, you should consider any one of these recommendations for the best dog boots you can buy.

1. My Busy Dog Water Resistant Dog Shoes

[amazon box=”B07D523H1Y”]

My Busy Dog Water Resistant Dog Shoes have rugged soles that can protect your dog when he steps on something sharp. The anti-slip sole can also protect your pet’s feet from the hot pavement or cold snow. These boots use top-quality fabrics that are sewn to the sole, instead of being glued to it. The Velcro straps allow for a snug fit without making it difficult to put on your dog.

This pair comes in eight sizes and four colors: red, orange, green, and black. These are the perfect boots to keep your dog’s paws dry and clean. If you have shiny hardwood floors, these shoes can also help keep your dog from always slipping. 

People love how these boots stay on their dog’s feet even after moving about excitedly. Others say that these shoes help their dogs deal with pain and discomfort, so they are now able to explore. Some pet parents, however, warn others that the material used for these shoes might be too hard and can scratch the skin of your dog’s paws.

2. QUMY Dog Boots

[amazon box=”B01LYITJ4S”]

If you are looking for an adjustable pair of dog boots that fit snugly on your dog’s feet, then get the QUMY Dog Boots. These shoes are effortless to put on your dog, thanks to the split seam that allows them to expand. You can then use the two Velcro straps to secure it into place. These boots are available in different sizes and come in black or red.

They have an anti-slip sole that gives your pets the traction they need on slippery surfaces. The rugged sole also protects them from hot pavements and sharp objects. These waterproof boots are also fashionable. If they get dirty, do not fret: this product is hand washable. 

Verified buyers say that their dogs love wearing these boots with a little training. Others also like the snug fit and high-quality materials. However, some reviewers comment that while these boots are affordable, they are not durable. They say that it only takes a couple of weeks before these boots start coming apart.

3. PROPLUMS Waterproof Dog Boots

[amazon box=”B07M6YY1PD”]

The PROPLUMS Waterproof Dog Boots are similar to the other dog boots that we have featured so far: non-slip and protective soles, reflective Velcro straps for that snug fit, and the ability to keep your dog’s feet dry and clean. This product comes in two sizes. Everything from the rubber sole to the fabric is waterproof.

Your dog can finally play in the snow, and you don’t have to worry about the slush or the rock salt. 

Pet parents love how these boots stay on even after a lot of moving around from their dogs. Others say that their dogs quickly got used to the shoes. Some reviewers, however, warn that small rocks can pierce through the sole. One reviewer also complains that these boots caused a wound on the dog’s paw.

4. Xanday Breathable Dog Boots

[amazon box=”B07BWBK2DP”]

The Xanday Breathable Dog Boots are just the best dog boots for summertime adventures. They have a tough sole that can keep your dog’s feet safe from even the hottest pavements, as well as from getting punctured by sharp sticks and small stones. This pair has a breathable vamp that keeps things airy and comfortable.

They’re also waterproof, just in case there’s a sudden downpour. You don’t have to worry about your pet bringing in mud from outside with these shoes on. These dog boots expand, allowing you to put them on your pet quickly. They also have reflective straps that allow for a snug fit.

People love how easy they are to put on and how they stay on, even when their pets have been extra rowdy. Others like these boots because they help their sick dog move around. However, there are some complaints about these dog boots twisting on paws and possibly injuring your pet.

5. Bark Brite Dog Boots

[amazon box=”B07SFYDHNZ”]

If you want something lightweight and durable, then you should buy the Bark Brite Dog Boots. These dog boots are made with neoprene, a kind of synthetic rubber that is very durable and resistant to wear and tear. Neoprene is the same material that you see on conveyor belts, window seals, and cable jackets. It has also been used for other items such as tablet holders, laptop sleeves, and mousepads.

The neoprene upper portion of each boot has ventilation holes that make them breathable and comfortable, even on the hottest days. In the winter months, neoprene can insulate your dog’s feet and protect them from the cold. This material has been used in women’s and men’s winter clothing.

What’s more, because of its breathable design, this pair is excellent for injured dogs. Further, the manufacturer made sure that your pet’s natural paw movements are not inhibited in any way. They can also protect your dog from hot pavement and abrasive surfaces. These dog boots are great for outdoor adventures, yet still very stylish for a romp at the local park in the winter.

They are available in five sizes. The Bark Brite Dog Boots might not have a lot of reviews on their listing. Verified buyers report that these dog boots are great for swimming and water play. Others comment about how these boots fit their pets to a T.

6. Muttluks Fleece-Lined Dog Boots

[amazon box=”B005MXV7KW”]

Muttluks Fleece-Lined Dog Boots keeps your pet’s paws warm even in the coldest weather. The genuine leather used in the soles gives Spot a luxurious, soft, and comfortable wear. Further, they come with self-tightening straps for an even more secure fit. That means it will be very difficult to lose these boots.

They also have a stretchy leg cuff that makes them effortless to put on and very comfortable to wear. You can also keep your dog safe even at night with the reflective straps. 

There are only a few reviews for this product, but verified buyers report how their dogs love these boots, saying that they stay on and look comfortable. These boots are considered to be the best choice for dogs with dewclaws. Others like how you can just pop them into the washer. They also like the protection they provide for their pet’s feet.

7. RUFFWEAR Grip Trex

[amazon box=”B01N21Z6W6″]

The RUFFWEAR Grip Trex are high-performance and can help keep your dog’s paws safe from extreme temperatures. Let Spot play in the snow or go with you when you’re out trekking; his feet will be protected. They have a Vikram outsole that is designed to be resilient, durable, and rugged. And they give traction so your pet won’t have a hard time keeping up with you.

They have a hook-and-loop design that opens up these boots so that you can quickly get them on your pet, and then close the strap to secure them firmly on his feet. These boots also use a tightly woven mesh that helps the air come in and out of the shoes. 

Verified buyers like how these boots are made with high-quality materials. They also report that these boots stayed on their pet’s feet. Others say that these boots allowed their dog’s foot injuries to heal faster. What’s more, these shoes are waterproof: you can finally take your dog on hikes where you have to cross waterways.

However, some reviewers warn would-be buyers that these boots caused wounds on their pet’s paws. There is no padding on the inside that may stop it from rubbing roughly on their paws and prevent injuries. For this reason, you should get a pair of the socks that are also available from RUFFWEAR. Because a dog’s front and back feet are not always the same size, these boots are available in sets of both two and four.

Buy the Best Dog Boots Today

Dog on snow wearing boots

Image by pasja1000 via Pixabay

It doesn’t matter what the season is, the best dog boots are excellent accessories. Not only do these products doll up your pet, but they also protect them from the extreme cold of winter, as well as from melted snow, rock salt, and other harmful elements.

When the snow melts, and when spring goes, the best dog boots can also protect them from the hot pavement that can bring nasty burns on their paw pads. These dog boots are worth the investment. Which ones are you going to buy? Tell us all about it in the comments!

Featured image by wsanter via Pexels.